Rolling Return vs Category

Rolling Returns

Key Parameters Return Consistency (% of times)
Scheme / Category Name Average Median Maximum Minimum Less than 0% 0 - 8% 8 - 12% 12 - 15% 15 - 20% Greater than 20%
Aditya-Birla-Sun-Life-Flexi-Cap-Fund-Growth-Regular-Plan 17.84 16.80 26.87 10.72 0.00 0.00 1.06 16.91 53.70 28.33
Equity-Flexi-Cap 17.97 17.68 25.50 10.70 0.00 0.00 3.17 12.68 57.51 26.64

What Are Rolling Returns?

The annualized returns of a mutual fund scheme on multiple dates for a specific investment period are known as rolling returns. Returns for a rolling period begin with a particular date and investment tenure, and then returns for all subsequent dates (within the same term) are calculated.

Rolling returns measure the absolute and relative performance across all timescales without bias.

How MFOnline Rolling Returns Calculator Works?

The mutual fund rolling return calculator's start date can be the scheme inception date or any other date after that. Let us assume the start date for calculating rolling returns is 1st January 2010. So the mutual fund rolling returns calculator will calculate the annualized return of the scheme from 1st January 2010 to 1st January 2013 so on and so forth.

In the same way, the calculator will calculate the rolling returns for the scheme benchmark and the additional benchmark. The rolling returns of the scheme can then be compared with those of the benchmarks.

How To Use MFOnline Rolling Returns Calculator?

  1. Enter the MFOnline mutual fund scheme name in the rolling return calculator you want to calculate returns. You can add up to 4 funds.
  2. Enter the start date from which you want to calculate the rolling returns of the scheme.
  3. Select rolling return period, i.e., 1 year, 3 years, 5 years.
  4. Once you fill in all the required fields, press submit
  5. MFOnline mutual fund rolling calculator will calculate the rolling returns of the scheme from the start date until today; the mutual fund rolling return calculator will calculate the scheme, benchmark, and additional benchmark rolling returns for the given rolling return period (investment tenure).
  6. The scheme's and benchmarks' rolling returns are plotted on a chart and presented graphically.

Benefits Of Using MFOnline Rolling Returns Calculator?

  • Because it is unaffected by market conditions, rolling return is the most unbiased measure of scheme performance.
  • Rolling returns are calculated for various market conditions, including bull, flat, sideways, and bear markets.
  • On the other hand, point to point is biased by the market conditions prevalent during the period.
  • One of the essential characteristics of a mutual fund scheme's success is consistency. The rolling return calculator displays rolling returns, which is a genuine indicator of performance consistency.
  • The value added by the fund manager is further demonstrated by rolling returns vs. scheme benchmark performance. In a bull market, a fund manager may outperform the benchmark by taking excessive risks.
  • Still, a mutual fund rolling return calculator will indicate how the fund manager performed in both bull and bear markets. A fund manager who can outperform the benchmark in bull and bear markets adds value to the investor while minimizing risk.


Can There Be Negative Returns On Mutual Funds?

Yes, with mutual funds, there is always a risk of negative returns. But with proper guidance, adequate financial and expert planning, it can be avoided.

How Many Mutual Fund Schemes Are There In India?

44 AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India) registered fund institutions collectively provide over 2,500 mutual fund schemes in India.

What Is The Difference Between Trailing Returns And Total Returns?

The returns generated over a particular period are known as trailing returns. It can be the year to date (YTD), one year, three years, and so on. They're also known as point-to-point returns. The best way to analyze a mutual fund's performance is to look at its trailing returns. On the other hand, the actual rate of return of an investment or a group of assets over time is known as the total return. Interest, capital gains, dividends, and realized distributions all contribute to total return. The total return is calculated as a proportion of the initial investment.

What Are Mutual Funds Rolling Returns?

The annualized returns of a mutual fund scheme on multiple dates for a specific investment period are known as rolling returns. Returns for a rolling period begin with a particular date and investment tenure, and then returns for all subsequent dates (within the same term) are calculated.

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the scheme information and other related documents carefully before investing. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Please consider your specific investment requirements before choosing a fund, or designing a portfolio that suits your needs.

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